

Garmin 1000 ON/OFF Silicone Button Cap (v15.xx)

To repair (and fixe) the ON/OFF button cap, on the Garmin 1000 GPS.
There is no back cover available at Garmin (no spare parts)
The "second hand" back covers are not a solution because they will get damaged quickly (old rubber).
This button is an easy and working solution done by silicone casting.
Mold done by 3D resin printer (high accuracy).
Small block in touch with the microswitch is resin printed.
This button cap, done in silicone is very efficient and pleasant to use.
Silicone glue can be used to insure 100% water protection (not mandatory)

Garmin 1000 silicone button Cap Photo v8




Installation guide (english):

(French below/Français plus bas)

Garmin 1000 silicone button Cap EN v9


Installation guide (Français):

(English above/Anglais plus haut)

Garmin 1000 silicone button Cap FR v9


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